Project: Creation of a car park extension at Tulleys Farm.
Date: May to October 2018
The owners of Tulleys Farm have diversified their land holding and have a very successful Visitor Attraction including Escape Rooms, Giant Maize Maze, tea room and farm shop. They specialise in holding various seasonal attractions including the world famous Halloween festival Shocktoberfest.
Matthews (Sussex) Limited was commissioned to create a new 400 space car park on the site of an unused field, immediately to the south of the existing overspill car park. The field sloped very steeply downwards from west to east, with a drop in elevation of approximately 8.0m at the eastern edge.
This project began in May 2018 and had to be completed at the start of October, ready to host Tulley’s Shocktoberfest.
Approximately 30,000m3 of clean, inert and naturally occurring soils will have been placed on the site, under the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice Direct Transfer Route, to create the 400 space car park.
Matthews was responsible for the verifying of Donor sites’ materials prior to importation to the site and the validation of placed soils, to support our final CL:AIRE Verification Report. The final report is open to scrutiny by the Environment Agency.
Our earthworks expertise was put to good use, to produce a fantastic level car park that the client is rightly proud of to host Shocktoberfest and other future popular events at Tulleys.